A year-by-year, film-by-film history of 70-millimeter wide gauge exhibition in Southern California
Compiled by Michael Coate and William Kallay
70mm Equipped Theatre Pictures

National opened on March 26, 1970 [Enlarge]

National in 2004

National in May 2007 (photo by Michael Coate)

The auditorium sat over 1000 patrons. It was similar to the original South Coast Plaza theatre.

The back rows of the large theater

Part of the huge screen

The late film historian, Rick Mitchell, walks past the windows of the upper lobby area

The snack bar

Down the staircase to the lower lobby. National used to book only the top blockbusters. In later years, it booked fodder like "Good Luck Chuck."

A view from the lower lobby

Gazing up the staircase

Stairs lead up to the upper lobby and theatre

Peering through one of the doors into the auditorium

A lounge area below the staircase

Two levels of the lobby

Looking toward the staircase. The lower and upper lobbies were large.

Looking toward Gayley Avenue

The box office

National gets demolished during the month of February 2008
More 70mm
70mm In New York
70mm In Orange County