I have to admit, I had
never seen the film “Zulu” when I was presented with a copy of this book to
look over. I was, however, vaguely aware of the film’s reputation as a
beloved icon of British cinema—not unlike the way “Gone With The Wind” is
revered in some circles as an American one, making them both more than “just
another long battle movie.” And I had always wondered if the reverence was
for “Zulu” itself, or for the incident it glorifies?
Then I read this book.
It could have been subtitled “Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About
‘Zulu’ But Didn’t Bother To Find Out For Yourself.” Which is probably for
the best, since author Sheldon Hall has done a job that can’t be beat.
Clearly Hall absolutely loves “Zulu” and has painstakingly and meticulously
researched every facet of its production. What’s more, he’s compiled it into
a very interesting and readable book that is well-organized and progresses
Hall used primary
sources whenever possible, interviewed everyone left alive to interview, and
is very gracious about crediting others’ sources and work. He does a nice
job of describing the context of the times that the film was conceived of
and made in (see especially Chapter 11, “Filming Under Apartheid”), and
avoids the common pitfall of filtering a 1964 film through a revisionist,
politically-correct modern point of view. Hall also does a nice job of
explaining the balance that the filmmakers needed to strike between absolute
historical accuracy vs. the need to make a film that was interesting and
watchable. (It’s intriguing that screenwriter John Prebble’s original
research and script for “Zulu” has since inspired many historians to further
research the Rorke’s Drift incident depicted in the film—sort of a case of
life imitating art imitating life.)
I did wish that Hall had
been able to include more memories of the Zulu players in the film—I would
have been interested in more details comparing the experiences and
perceptions of the township vs. the tribal Zulu extras. The only real
quibble that I have with this book is that there are quite a few typos—but
this is the publisher’s fault, not author Hall’s. I did like the fact that
the footnotes are placed at the end of each chapter rather than at the end
of the book—it made it easier to access them as I read.
All in all, Sheldon Hall
has done all of us a valuable service by documenting a piece of film history
before it’s too late—I only wish all books claiming to tell the story of the
making of a film were this good.
“Zulu: With Some Guts
Behind It—The Making Of The Epic Movie”
By Sheldon Hall
Forward by John Barry
Hardcover: 431
Tomahawk Press
Nancy Dunn is a museum
director and film historian. She lives in New Mexico.
© 2007 Nancy Dunn. All
rights reserved.